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Customer Service is Our Top Priority

We strive to ensure your home improvement experience is completed to your satisfaction. Our dedicated team is here to assist with any inquiries that you may have. A survey is sent to every customer upon project completion to monitor customer experience and Provider performance.


Licensed Providers

All Providers we work with undergo an extensive certification process to ensure they are licensed, insured, and have a proven track record of trade experience. Additionally, Providers are required to wear an ID Badge that displays their certification while working at the customer’s home. Over 90% of Providers across the US do not qualify for our stringent certification requirements.


Project Support

We help monitor your project from beginning to end, and have a Customer Solutions team available to answer any inquiries you may have. The Customer Solutions Team can be reached at 877-477-1121.


Warranty Assistance

A one (1) year labor warranty is offered by our Providers. We ensure that our Providers honor their warranty.